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ពេលជួបអូនដំបូង |Taeskor Remix

Duration: 03:39Views: 1.1MLikes: 13.7KDate Created: Mar, 2019

Channel: TaeSkor Remix

Category: Entertainment

Description: +Be kind Give the following comments for Advice +Thank for visiting - Subscribe - Assess - and comments ♥️ I hope you subscribe my channel because I just want to share my music videos with you. View it even though you don’t!! hope you enjoy 😊 ភាពយន្ត (Drama): Hero Dog ចំរៀង (Song): ពេលជួបអូនដំបូង អ្នកចំរៀង (Artists): Thna BK - នៅម្នាក់ឯងឡើងទម្លាប់ទៅហើយ មិនដែលខ្វល់ឡើងអ្វីហៅថាស្នេហា តែពេលនេះហេតុអ្វីប្រែខុសធម្មតា មិនដឹងថាក្នុងខ្លួននេះកើតអី បានជួបពៅដំបូងបងអរភ័យ ស្នាមញញឹមស្រីធ្វើអោយបងលង់ទៅហើយ ក្នុងចិត្តបងរំភើបខ្លាំងណាស់អូនអើយ តើដឹងទេ? - តើនេះឫជាស្នេហា? លួចស្រលាញ់គេមិនដឹងតាំងពីពេលណា មិនអាចបំភ្លេចបានទេ ហូហូ... ស្នាមញញឹមរបស់មាសមេ បងនៅតែចាំអាចភ្លេចបានទេ បងគេងរាល់រាត្រីនឹកឃើញតែថ្លៃ - មិនដែលមានអារម្មណ៏បែបនេះពីមុនមក ក៏មិនដែលគិតមិនដែលចង់ស្គាល់រឿងស្នេហា សួរខ្លួនឯងថាកំពុងគិតដល់ណា ហេតុអីក៏ចេះតែលួចមើលគេ ឃើញគេញញឹមរំភើបអ្វីម្ល៉េះទេ ចង់តែឈរក្បែរ ឈរមើលមុខជីវា ___________________ -Being Alone, are my habits and I never cares what love is, but now why something was change. I don't know What wrong with me, for the first time that i meet you I be fear and thrilled. your smile make me fall in love, i'm very exciting with that, do you know? -Is this a love call? I do not know when I crush you, I just know it cannot be forgotten, especially your smile. Every night I see you - Before, I never felt like this never think and do not want to know about love, Ask myself what I think. Why I always look at you, When I see your smiling, I'm so excited. I want to stand beside you and looking at you.

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